Blog: Dog and Cat

Parasite Control and Prevention Services for Pets

Fleas, ticks, worms and more – your pet can get parasites anywhere, all year round. From minor skin rashes to permanent organ damage and even death, they cause all types of problems. Our team of licensed veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians can help keep your pet protected. Simply call us…

Senior Care Services for Pets

Silver-haired furry friends have a charm all their own. Some have become more laid back since their younger years, while others still act like puppies or kittens. The one thing they all have in common is the need for more care – both at home and at the veterinary hospital….

Spay and Neutering Services for Pets

Every year, thousands of unclaimed pets end up in animal rescues. Unfortunately, these shelters cannot take care of all cherished pets in the long term. Getting your furry friend spayed or neutered is a way for you to directly make a positive impact on this problem. Aside from preventing unwanted…

Surgical Services for Pets

Going under the knife, no matter how routine the procedure may be, can be stressful for any loving pet parent. At our hospital, you can be sure our experienced veterinarians will take the utmost care of your pet. With our modern surgical suite, we offer a full range of elective…